Friday, October 5, 2007

Hot and Ready

There's a difference between being full and being satisfied Jeff.
Being full takes no skill at all. Anyone can be full - it's addictive, it's temporarily satisfying, it does the job. No one, when I talk to them at 50, says they intended to be this overweight. It just came about, from eating poorly over the years.
If our goal is not to be full, if our goal (stay with the food metaphore Jeff) is to be satisfied, to enjoy what we are producing; then how does that change our intentions? See because intentions are what lead us to Goals. Even if you don't have goals (because of your so called 'intuitive decision making'), what are your intentions when you eat?
We live in a time when for $5 you can have a medium pizza. $5 will FILL you up. You don't have to wait for it - just walk in and pay. What does that say about the quality of living?
I'm not trying to overwhelm you with metaphores, or even saying that your life is on a crash course (may or may not be). Eating well (metaphorically) can actually just start with understanding intentions - of course we will have to look at some suggested recipies, and ways of cooking at some point - but for now, just think of the intentions. The thing is however, not to sound too harsh, but, you actually need to do this. Otherwise, all the future talk of cooking, all of our discussions around leadership, church, god, friends, community - whatever - are useless unless we start with basic principles of nutrition.
and i close with a passage:

In this there is no measuring with time. A year doesn't matter; ten years are nothing. To be an artist means not to compute or count; it means to ripen as the tree, which does not force its sap, but stands unshaken in the storms of spring with no fear that summer might not follow. It will come regardless. But it comes only to those who live as though eternity stretched before them, carefree, silent and endless. I learn it daily, learn it with many pains, for which I am grateful: Patience is all!

Rainer Maria Rilke

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