I encourage you, the anonymous internet lurker, rather than get mad when things go wrong, to get creative. Nothing is more satisfying than firing off a well written prose. Please do not hesitate, oh non existant community, to submit a poem of your own. The idea here is that this could be a collection of articulate subtle rages, or joys, or whatever. I know - i really am lame. so lame. so lame.
Without further ado - To the Internet:
If a website falls in cyberspace will it be Curt who notices?
If a domain goes down will GoDaddy rescue it?
Who is he who installs joomla in the sky?
Who is he who assigns FTP protocols to the delinquent few?
Iâd like my domain to point to the world, and yet find myself caught in a web
My domain name is parked, and my zoneedit is dropping
I have laid my passwords to the alter of Isaac and my FTP settings to the Curt
Wont web traffic rain down on me?
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